Effective February 24, 2020 some options strike divisors have been corrected. This affects decimal representation but not points. The following have changed from no divisor to a 10 divisor which applies to all history.
100507 | Ultra T-Bonds |
100910 | Ultra T-Bonds Week 1 |
100911 | Ultra T-Bonds Week 2 |
100912 | Ultra T-Bonds Week 3 |
100913 | Ultra T-Bonds Week 4 |
100914 | Ultra T-Bonds Week 5 |
100915 | 30 Year Bond Week 1 |
100916 | 30 Year Bond Week 2 |
100917 | 30 Year Bond Week 3 |
100918 | 30 Year Bond Week 4 |
100919 | 30 Year Bond Week 5 |