No Longer Available.
First Listed: 11/30/2006
Released: 4/12/2007
Known problems (Not fixed in this version)
- Creating large portfolios in MS Format is very time consuming relative to the compatible CSIM format.
- Ascii format is not compatible with Tradestation 2000i import.
- UA is unable to operate without an Internet connection when the uncompressed database is turned on. As a workaround, log into the Internet temporarily and turn off the uncompressed database by using the menu Preferences. Choose “UA Behavior 1”. Then uncheck “Uncompress the database for faster daily distribution”.
- The API function RetrievePerpetualContract does not work.
Program Changes
- The stlp45.dll and stlpmt45.dll are now correctly included.
- The standard/Fortran back adjuster does receive the correct parameters from your portfolio.
- Delayed Quotes correctly apply to build portfolio files.
- User modifications/edits of the parameters supplied to the internal studies are no longer ignored.
- Studies work even if UA installed into a folder with a space in the name.
- The EzDownloader correctly appends data to portfolio files.
- Added Portfolio setting to raise the high price by one tick when the open, high, low, and close are all the same number.
- The Portfolio menu option to change the format to Excel format now works.
- Added API function to allow downloading to wait for identified release and/or partial distribution of data.
- Added option to Selecting Data Series dialog to allow months to be viewed by either 3 or 1 letter abbreviation.
- User modifications of the data (user edits) now work correctly.
- Printed and copied UA Charts now include the current date under the copyright notice.
- Works with all versions of AmiBroker.
- Roll/Delist report now reports recent rolls as well as predicted rolls.
- Current contract round-to-the-nearest-tick for ED #141 and #269 now works correctly.
- The Change Format menu option in the right-click menu for the portfolio now works correctly when you choose the Excel format.
- The DB no longer has a problem with the cash stop dates so the DB Integrity search no longer find problems such as “Deliverable has different stop 20070402 vs 20070326 for 54/0”.